Monday, September 30, 2019

Article Review: Unequal Childhood Essay

Abstract: Lareau’s open and detailed information about the issues and difficulties of conducting the research. The importance of this topic can’t be overstated, confronting the legend of equal opportunity in order to address the realities of providing good opportunities for all children will be a crucial area of social discussion for the coming years Sociological Connection: In the book Class, Race, and Family Life, Lareau explains that although working-class and poor parents are no less eager than middle-class parents to see their children succeed in school, they take a different approach to reaching this goal (Lareau 198). To me, keeping this point in mind as a future educator is crucial. So often, it seems as though school personnel have a tendency to blame the child or the family when issues arise. Instead, educators should take into account their own practices, as well as consider larger societal influences that are at work. If our goal as teachers is to have harmonious part nerships with students’ families, then we have to approach these relationships with patience and understanding. Lareau reports that many working-class and poor parents feel that educators hold the expertise, and often fear doing the â€Å"wrong thing† in school-related matters; therefore, their tendency is to maintain a separation between school and home (Lareau 198). Whereas middle class parents can be demanding toward school personnel, working-class and poor parents tend to be deferential (Lareau 198). Most educators wish that poor and working-class parents would be more assertive (Lareau 198). â€Å"Put differently, they wish these parents would engage in forms of concerted cultivation† (Lareau 198). Instead of schools imposing their beliefs on working-class and poor families, it would be far more productive to take a step back, try to understand where these families are coming from, and respect their position. To automatically jump to the conclusion that parents who aren’t constantly advocating for their children don’t care about their education is detrimental, counterproductive, and above all, a far cry from the truth. So What/Insight: All of the families  want their kids happy and to grow and thrive. Still, social Class makes a difference in how parents go about meeting this goal. Middle-class parents promote what I call â€Å"concerted cultivation.† Middle-class parent’s actively foster kid’ss talents, opinions, and skills: enrolling children in organized activities, reasoning with children, and closely monitoring children’s experiences in institutions such as schools. Through this pattern of concerted cultivation, middle-class children gain an emerging sense of entitlement. There is a focus on kid’s individual development. Most of the middle-class families in the study are extremely busy; this pattern holds for white and Black middle-class families. Children have soccer games, Girl Scout trips, homework, and birthday parties; parents need to arrange these activities as well as get children there and back. None of the parents report having this kind of schedule of activities when they were children. Despite this busy schedule, most parents work full-time and some of the parents have overnight travel for their jobs. In addition, parents need to manage the details of life. Like going to the grocery store, preparing dinner, having children take showers, and getting children to bed. The book says children’s schedules mean for family life. Things are so hectic that the house sometimes seems to become a holding pattern between activities.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reminiscence and life review are distinctively and central features of late life – Discuss

It is often forgotten that the developmental psychologist Charlotts Buhler in Vienna had written already in the 1930's, of reminiscence as an inevitable part of the ageing process resulting from the individual's need to substantiate his or her life in the face of loss of ability (1933) The way in which reminiscence has become noteworthy in the study of ageing is a remarkable one. It has altered its implication from negative to positive-from being perceived as a sign of mental deterioration to being valued as a normal if not essential component of successful ageing- all in the time frame of less than 10 years. DEFIN REM Many of the problems arise when researchers continue to generate hypothesis that are left untested, and in turn researchers continue to conduct projects without clear theoretical foundations. Theoretical conceptions such as ego integrity remain vaguely defined and resistant to contrary experimental findings, worse still is this inability to arrive or at least agree on, an operational definition. [Another problem is the fact that the current framework limits the research entirely†¦i.e rarely work done on life span-longitudinal reminiscing because it has been stated that it is only in old age and universal so cultural differences haven't been explored] As Haight (1991) noted, labels suggested by various researchers, such as Molinari and Reichlin (1984-1985), Lo Gerfo (1980) and Coleman (1974), are a â€Å"step in the right direction, but none have been adopted as a permanent framework† (1991, p.9) Until such a framework is operational, making generalisations about the nature and functions of the various types of reminiscence will remain difficult. On the contrary Butler states that perhaps life review and reminiscence are not amenable to rigid and precise definitions. UNRUH (89) levels of reminiscing A p. 148 REMINISCNCE According to Webster & Haight reminiscence is highly spontaneous with little structure. It can contain the element of evaluation, but it is not an integral part of reminiscing. The presence or absence of evaluation in reminiscence is probably more dependant on individual personality traits than on any thing provided by modality. Reminiscing is rated low on comprehensiveness, since simple reminiscence involves the recall of relatively independent, isolated episodes from our past. There is no necessary logic, sequence, or theme. There is also no systematic exploration of developmental blocks of time, or attempts to place the recalled memory within a broader psychosocial context. LIFE REVIEW Life review differs from simple reminiscence on many of these dimensions. The spontaneity of the life review is lower than of simple reminiscence because more specific triggers are required to elicit it. Many authours suggest that the life review is triggered by external life events, generally however not exclusively of a crisis or transitional nature. Stress or developmental milestones may prompt a reassessment of past accomplishments, values and goals. The life review is also more structured and comprehensive than simple reminiscence. Life review tends to have sequential recounting from childhood experiences to the present or an identification and systematic elaboration of developmental concerns. There is a grater effort to evaluate the recalled memories in order to derive meaning and purpose. This may entail working through painful emotional episodes as well as positive, self-enhancing memories. Evaluation involves renegotiating previous sources of anger, shame, embarrassment, guilt and other assorted negative emotions can be reconstrued in more positive terms. Webster and Young (1988) have suggested that a comprehensive life review entails the recall, evaluation, and synthesis of positive and negative memories. Recall, or simple reminiscence, is therefore only one part of the life review process. E.ERICKSON According to Erickson (1959, 1963, 1982), one of the most important functions of reminiscing is to help the individual achieve ego integrity. This is the cumulative product of having successfully resolved the earlier stages of development. It is' reaping of the benefits of the life richly spent, not only in the storehouse of memories, but in the function of problems worked through, plans executed, mediation undertaken, suffering survived' (Ulanov, 1981, p. 113). The attainment of ego integrity is a lifelong process, according to Erickson. It depends on successful management of developmental conflicts, acceptance of one's life cycle without regrets, and harmonization of different stages of life without fear of death. The hallmark of ego integrity is wisdom. Butlers 1975 view of ego integrity is less ambitious, he believes that people take pride in feeling of having done their best, of having met challenge and difficulty and sometimes from simply having survived terrible odds, and it is this quality of serenity and wisdom which is derived from resolving personal conflicts. Butler suggests that the life review is the primary mechanism whereby ego integrity is achieved. Erickson (1963) believed that mastery is a major source of satisfaction and proposed that the desire to achieve autonomy begins in early childhood. The subsequent developmental tasks to achieve initiative, competence and generativity are all related to the need for mastery. Both Adler (1927/1957, 1958) and Fromm (1947) postulated that people possess an innate drive to overcome helplessness experienced in childhood through mastery over their environment. The task of maintaining a sense of agency and mastery becomes increasingly difficult in later years. Regardless of how we glorify the golden age, sooner or later the harsh realities of ageing descend on all of us. Unless we die prematurely, we all suffer the relentless ageing process. Old age can be a breeding ground for feelings of inferiority because of diminished coping resources and the chronicity of age related problems. We feel helpless when there is no cure to health problems and when our memories are failing us. We are made to feel inferior when we have to ask others to do this we used to do well. These memories may be compounded by memories of childhood situations associations with feelings of inferiority. It has been suggested that the active mastery of middle age changes into more positive mode, or even a magic mode of mastery in old age (neugarten & Gutmann, 1958). In their desire for greater mastery, the elderly's perception of personal control may become highly inflated sometimes their perceived control may be based on wishful thinking and fantasy. P. 33 Forty years have passed since Butler first suggested the important role of reminiscing in later life. His research has retained the attention of researchers from a range of disciplines, however subsequent studies have been at time inconclusive, contradictory and unclear about the nature and function of reminiscing. The majority of researchers have focused their studies exclusively on older individuals, which infers that reminiscence is unique to the later stages of life. Mirriam 1993 notes that the assumptions about the universality of reminiscence amongst older adults may be false or stereotypical, since age may not be the most significant factor in reminiscence behaviour. LIFE REVIEW Definitions of reminiscence are remarkably diverse. Butler described the life review as ‘a naturally occurring, universal mental process characterised by the progressive return to consciousness of past experiences, and particularly the resurgence of unresolved conflicts (1963, p.66) He argued that the life review is conceived as a ‘possible response to the biological fact of death' What is clear about reminiscing is that it is a selective process in which memories are evoked and reconstructed, probably with varying degrees of intensity and emotional involvement. UNRUH 1989 orders or levels of the past!!! The idea that there may be different levels to the reminiscing process may alleviate the confusion of contradictory findings in studies.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Purchasing Computer

For Instance, If they found a newer and cheaper way to produce computers, then the price of them would go down, making the emend rise even more. Some of this products substitute would be another factor. Substitutes are goods that are usually used In place of one another. Today, people are able to access the World Wide Internet through their cellular devices, Glenn them the opportunity to make the same transactions or do the same research that they would be able to do on their computers; this Is making It almost unnecessary to own a computer.There are also places like the public library that offers use of their computers at no cost to you, which is how I did all my homework and research for school before purchasing a computer. These substitutes could make the demand for computers to decrease, which in turn will cause the quantity to increase. There are some items that are made to complement computers, such as software or routers. Without some of these products, the computer that you p urchased may be of no use to you.In the case of schooling, there are requirements for certain software's that do not come already included in your computer purchase, and you also need to set up your means for internet connection, which would require a wireless router, broadband, dial-up, or Wi-If. Either way, your computer does not come already installed with these applications, they must be purchased separately. The impact that computers have on people's everyday life have made them nearly a necessity which can impact price elasticity. People need computers for home life, work, or communication, but they are an expensive product.So, people will shop around to try and find the best deals on the computer that they prefer. There are many deferent options available for someone looking to purchase a computer. There are desktops or laptops, PC or MAC, different sizes and storage capacities, and deferent suppliers. The choice of buying a computer provides many different options, giving th e price elasticity. Some are more expensive than others. Computers are changing every day, they are becoming smaller, easier to access, more options, and software.They are built Into our phones and GAPS systems, and can be found Just about anywhere. I believe that computers will always be a huge product which will be costly, but there are a few factors that may change that In the future. Because they have been around for so long, most people already own one, the ability to use public computers, and the efferent forms of technology that are being Invented every day, provide many different options for people that could steer them away from a regular desktop or laptop computer.Purchasing Computer By Jennie no need to purchase another one. New discoveries in technology could be a factor in the change of supply and demand. For instance, if they found a newer and cheaper Substitutes are goods that are usually used in place of one another. Today, people are able to access the World Wide in ternet through their cellular devices, giving them would be able to do on their computers; this is making it almost unnecessary to own ND find the best deals on the computer that they prefer.There are many different laptops, PC or MAC, different sizes and storage capacities, and different suppliers. Day; they are becoming smaller, easier to access, more options, and software. They are built into our phones and GAPS systems, and can be found Just about anywhere. I are a few factors that may change that in the future. Because they have been around for so long, most people already own one, the ability to use public computers, and the different forms of technology that are being invented every day, provide many

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nonverbal Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nonverbal Observation - Essay Example It became apparent almost immediately that this couple were in a romantic relationship, and somewhere after the earliest stages of it but still in an early period. Their body language suggested a great deal of closeness – rather than sitting directly opposite each other, as most people do when conversing over coffee, they sat at ninety degree angles from each other around a small circular table. This led to them being constantly in what people normally consider their personal space, and their legs and arms brushed and touched against each other frequently. One of the most telling cues of their relationship status was eye contact – despite sitting very close to each other, to the degree that looking directly at one another would be somewhat uncomfortable, they both did so for long periods of time, straining their necks to make eye contact. People who are not romantically involved are often very uncomfortable with continual eye contact of this sort, so this implies they w ere in a romantic relationship, and people who had been in a romantic relationship for a long time might make less of an effort to make eye contact constantly, being more comfortable and less needy than those who are in the earlier stages of them. They also displayed an interesting communication dynamic in terms of who dominated the conversation. It was apparent that the man did most of the talking, and often accompanied his speeches with large arm gestures, movements and so on. This would seem to imply that he was the dominant of the pair, but on closer inspection I think he was performing for his partner, as she would often laugh at what he was doing. I believe this implies that he was trying to impress her by telling her humorous stories, and performing for

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organizational Security Expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational Security Expansion - Essay Example However, security of their personnel and business security are areas of their great concern when exploring internationally new markets. Security companies involve large capital investments and hence cannot take any risk in investing in unproductive markets. This is because such a mistake is very costly to its operations. Harwood, (2008) Observes that Africa and Middle East are characterized by terrorism, pirates, poverty, corruption and other forms of violence. Though these require security service operations, they are a major threat to the operations of many security companies since they can lead into serious losses. An American security company expanding in Arab nations is risky than any other since it might mean more war and insecurity as opposed to business. Therefore, an American security company that wants to expand its operations in Africa and middle east may have to consider the possible threats that may affect its personnel welfare, business continuity and shipping among others to determine if they are potential investment areas or not. Expansion of the security Company Operations in Africa and Middle East Expansion of security operations from America to Africa and Middle East markets is a very risky task to undertake. This is because African and Middle East nations are characterized by serious insecurity issues, which mime negatively affect the companies operations. On the other hand, it may increase the company’s performance, since the two regions are characterized by insecurity issues, and hence may require boosting their security in their daily tasks. Therefore, the demand for security in those areas is likely to e high, despite the serious challenges that are likely to be encountered. Security Challenges in Africa and Middle East African nations are frequently dominated by war and other insecurity issues. The Security Council has in many cases addressed insecurity issues and other peace threats around African nations. The most affected nations in Africa are Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Libya, Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast, Somalia, among others. Therefore expanding the se curity company’s operations in those areas may lead the company into facing many challenges, which might lead to loss of its employees together with profits, due to major, risky and intensive operations. The first challenge that the company may encounter is hostility in those nations (Anonymous, 2011). First, American people are seen as a major threat to peace and security in Africa and Middle East, especially in Arab territories. Therefore, such nations may be reluctant to offer those contracts and other job opportunities, besides threatening its existence in their nations. Though America has been in the fore front in trying to restore and maintain peace and security in Africa and Middle East, their efforts are little appreciated, since they lead to more insecurity, as terrorists try to fight them back. Therefore expanding an American security company operation in these regions may not be a wise decision, if the company has goals of future prospects. Secondly, African nation s lack major businesses and other big operations that require the services of a security company. This is because; their economy is still unstable as they are still in the developing stage. Therefore, the demand for such services is still low, and is mainly given to African based security based companies, since they positively viewed by many Africans, thus attracting customers. However, Christian nations may not oppose American security companies, since they have no negative issues with them. On the other hand, they believe that they are better equipped and could therefore offer superior

Investigating Japanese Banking Sector Competition - A panel data Dissertation

Investigating Japanese Banking Sector Competition - A panel data approach - Dissertation Example Introduction Albeit the Japanese economy has been long hailed as the model of success in Asia, the transition towards a market oriented economy has not been smooth. Despite of the ravages left in the aftermath of the 2nd world war, the 1960’s and 1970’s saw Japan attain enormously high rates of economic growth (Johnson, 1982). The regulated financial sector working in tandem with the government and business corporations led to a stable and steady integrated economic system which allowed the economy to flourish. The Japanese banking system had a critical role to play in this phase. Not only did the banks act as corporate governing bodies, they also played roles or rescuers when enterprises where in financial difficulties. By providing loans to enterprises that were investing in sectors with strong growth potential these banks shared the risks in similar vein to venture capitalists (Wade, 1999). But in the decades of the 1970’s and 1980’s the fast growing ec onomy compelled by the global environment of market integration had to modify its structure and attempt to adjust to the new environment. Growing domestic businesses gradually had a lower requirement to borrow from the domestic banking system. Circumvention of financing from external sources coupled with developing asset markets through the accumulation over the earlier decades led to alterations in the capital flows and liberalization of the financial sector followed (Noguchi, 1998). In the latter half of the 1980’s decade such liberalization resulted in a lack of adequate tightness in monetary conditions which in turn led to an asset oriented initial upturn and economic boom but finally the asset bubble got burst and this opened the floodgates for Japan’s economic woes. Due to the depressed market conditions the 1990’s have been famously coined as the â€Å"lost decade† (Takahashi, 2011). Since the early 2000’s the Japanese economy has been in th e process of trying to recover through market oriented reforms but no remedy to the ailment which continued to make the economy weaker and the recent global financial crisis has only worsened the situation (see figures 1 to 3). Figure 1 Figure 1 above shows the path of real GDP over time. Evidently the climb is steeper and more steady until 1990 since when evidence of volatility is observed and the slope is flatter as well. A substantial dip is also visible in the mid 2000’s. Figure 2 Figure 2 reveals that the percentage of annual GDP growth has actually been quite volatile. However, more noticeably there is a downward trend in the series and the growth rate has decelerated to negative values over the last few years. Figure 3 Finally figure 3 shows the average growth rate for the four decades since 1970. Evidently the performance was substantially lower in the decade of the 1990’s and to add to the woes of the economy, the growth rate has been even lower in the 1st dec ade of the 2000’s. The economy is still in quest for attaining a system that has the advantage of institutional complementarities as it once had in its golden era of growth. Substantial amounts of research has established that the degree of competitiveness has important bearing on economic growth and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Textbased Reading Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Textbased Reading Assignment - Essay Example And upon this departure, "happiness" is coined up as the response to its inquiring mind as its ultimate end of its quest for truth. The Epicurean teaching of happiness as described in the study of philosophy entails the idea or that collaborates with the theory of "imperialism" (i.e. a form of knowledge acquired or is that knowledge perceived by the use of our senses or the process called sensation). It is by the reason of providing the idea of "casualty" (The principle of cause and effect relationship) in viewing or in understanding the concept of happiness in the Epicurean teaching, as of that which is motivated by the direct encounter to the corporeal world (material world) or the things seen or being felt present in the reality. And thus, this encounter with the corporeal world gives us the effect or the idea of both "pleasure and pain". Moreover, in realizing what does Epicurus mean by saying that pleasure is our "primary native good" connotes of that "good" in relation to "feeling" as a means or tool of its criterion for happiness. In this manner, the role of sensation provides as the key to understand in having the concept of "pleasure" as that which satisfies one's (individual) need. Pleasure then takes place upon describing certain stances that serve as an appetite towards living or its existence. Thus, the Epicurean concept of pleasure as a "primary native good" gives us the idea of understanding as the first step of its hierarchy of attributing towards a self fulfilment or a happy life. According to the Epicurean teaching, pleasure should not always be the choice or our option to select at. It is because it entails (in Epicurean concept) the idea of consisting "Primary and Congenital good". To illustrate such concept, in understanding the idea of "primary good", it gives us the thought of a skin form or level of understanding the concept of "pleasure" as a matter of "feeling". And thus it leads us to the idea of "sensation" that construct upon this concept of primary. The Congenital good persuade upon the concept or the idea of understanding to what is there seen not present in the reality but only find in its existence in the "world of forms or ideas" (the word "world of form" originates in the Platonean Concept). Thus, its essence (the nature of its being) provides us the thought of that is innate to its characteristics. And thus, evaluating these two factors (Primary and Congenital good) speaks of a subjective interpretation or judgement because of its approach of arriving of its own idea. As stipulated in the Epicurean doctrine, "A person who does not have a pleasant life in not living sensibly, nobly and justly, and conversely the person who does not have these virtues cannot live pleasantly (Epicurus, Leading Doctrines, p. 53, 5th paragraph). In view to this quotation, indicates that the Epicurean teaching doesn't agree that it is possible to lead a virtuous but unpleasant life. To depart from these lines, pleasure connotes a connection to moral virtues of man or a person that is associated to hi being. Moral good then construct a definition towards a good life. Therefore, such concept perceives or illustrates an idea that it is impossible "to be" and "not to be" at the same place and at the same time. The researcher's analysis unto this study to the Epicurean way of teaching of understanding pleasure relating to morality, as with regards to the impossibility of having virtuous and yet

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Edit and adjust accordingly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Edit and adjust accordingly - Essay Example Agency source of power has to do with the power to make decisions on the use of the agency’s human and material resources. This includes the restructuring of the organization, changing staff schedules, unbundling of production process or entering into strategic partnership for the purpose of improving quality of goods and services and/or empowering clients. Closely related to agency source of power is legitimate power. This is the power one has by virtue of his position in an organization. Having legitimate powers means having authority or control over the behaviours and performances of others. The president of a company has legitimate power over all other employees of the company. He can give every other person orders and expect him/her to obey. Expert power is the power that even individuals at the lower levels of the organizational structure can acquire and accumulate. The possession of superior knowledge, ideas, skill, experience and abilities, and how these are used can earn one reputation and power. An employee with expert power is a master in his professional niche and he can use the power s/he accumulates to sway others into taken decisions that affect the overall functioning of the organization. Until my employment, the company I am working with was into hotel business. It nearly crumbled due to superior competition. The business was sustained with returns from the president’s plantation. The ‘management’ of the hotel was then lead by a president and had two-level organizational structure. No line managers. No board meetings. It was small. Every employee reported to the president. Two of the four senior employees were sons of the president. They were presidents-in-the-waiting. The business was on the verge of been mismanaged as family business if not for the president’s foresightedness. He knew his children were incapable of managing the inherited business. The hotel needed

Monday, September 23, 2019

High Risk Sexual Behavior with Incarcerated Youths Annotated Bibliography

High Risk Sexual Behavior with Incarcerated Youths - Annotated Bibliography Example On the whole, the work is well-written by qualified experts and will be useful for both clinicians and researchers in the field of STD The need to widen surveillance measures against STD among incarcerated youth has never been more crucial than now and the last few years because of statistics pointing out escalating rates of health problems among this group of adolescents. This is the rallying point of this article. The study is divided into 9 parts: abstract; the juvenile justice system; reasons for screening adolescent arrestees; substance use, sex, and other risk factors; organizational and structural barriers; policy and implementation issues; a promising model; conclusions and recommendations. The model of collaboration between the juvenile justice system and public health system, which was initiated as part of the study was fruitful. Related endeavors may pattern their model from the Belenko, et al. (2009) collaborative model. The authors demonstrated their expertise on the subject. The article is a review of recent developments the epidemiology of STD among incarcerated adolescents, as well as STD screening and interventions in juvenile correctional facilities. The generally high prevalence of chlamydia and gonorrhea even among incarcerated women was confirmed in this review and confirmed the authors’ position that screening of incarcerated adolescents in prison should be prioritized. Future research directions point towards the necessity to further examine the causes of the rise in the incidence of chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Time Is Wealth Essay Example for Free

Time Is Wealth Essay Life is all about managing time and dare for venture. This universe is nothing just a main manesfactation of routine and a splendid example of time management. It is said, â€Å"Coming and going is a part of man dunce life but if time lapse it will never ever come again†. â€Å"Time and tide wait for nothing†. Islam also makes it compulsory for it as five prayers at fix time. It is a factor to be looked upon in order to complete shoulder to shoulder with world. As the famous saying is, â€Å"today and not tomorrow† and â€Å"don’t put it till tomorrow that you can do today†. Procrastination and indolence are vices that must be killed at their birth. Life an undoing current the time of life is flowing out. All the time is valuable but there are certain precious moments to be looked upon. A lost moment is lost for good. Hence, the need of making the best use of every minute that is flowing out in eternity. As William Shakespeare said, â€Å"time is health as well there is a proper period of life when health has to be cared for so as to prevent its lost in future. This time is youth. From the beginning to the end of education every effort is made to impress upon us the supreme value of time. it is said,’time and tide wait for nothing†. It is true to some extent as if it is lapsed, one can’t find it anymore. Life on earth is depend out, both for existence and development on proper utilization of certain processions and quantities whether it is inherited from ancestors or given by nature. One of these is time by which is meant the total spam of our life. In day to day existence we are left about 8 to 10 hours of time after accommodating certain demands of our nature such as eating and sleeping. Thus calculated a span of life covering on an average a length of 60 years is reduced to not more than 20 years, if the years of childhood are not taken into account because we are not aware of doing my thing. These 20 years should be used properly. It is said, â€Å"Time is wealth, it is true for great extend for the money we earn is after all the return we receive for use of our time that we make our income therefore, varies according as our time is used or misused†. â€Å"Those who manage time succeed in every walk of life†.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tetrodotoxin And The Threat Of Bioterrorism Biology Essay

Tetrodotoxin And The Threat Of Bioterrorism Biology Essay The threat of bioterrorism remains a reality worldwide, although of low probability, an attack would be a high-consequence event. Microbes are available to individuals with appropriate contacts and even many low-grade bacterial pathogens can severely affect health. Toxins provide bacteria with a system of defense that is often detrimental to humans and their versatility makes them potential tools of bioterrorism. It should be remembered that the aim of terrorism is not always to kill but rather to strike fear into peoples lives. Importantly, no state can ever be fully prepared for a response and it is probable that no state ever could be. It is for this reason that biological agents are so attractive as weapons. (British Journal of Biomedical Science, 2005) Deserving of a closer look as a potential weapon of bioterrorism and as a threat to public health and safety is tetrodotoxin. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent marine neurotoxin, named after the order of fish from which it is most commonly associated, the Tetrodoniformes (tetras four and odontos-tooth), or the tetraodon puffer fish. The tetraodon puffers are equipped with four large teeth which are nearly fused, forming a beak-like structure used for cracking mollusks and other invertebrates, as well as for scraping corals and general reef grazing. (Florida State University, January, 2002) According to the New York Times, first isolated from the puffer fish, tetrodotoxin is among the most potent toxins known. It is 100 times as toxic by weight as potassium cyanide two milligrams can kill an adult human and it is not destroyed by cooking. Tetrodotoxin is found in more than just marine creatures. It is present in high concentrations in the skin of certain newts in North American and Japan, and in several kinds of frogs in Central and South America and Banglaesh. (New York Times Science, December, 2009) The flesh of the puffer fish (i.e. fugu) is considered a delicacy in Japan. It is prepared by chefs specially trained and certified by the government to prepare the flesh free of the toxic liver, gonads and skin. Despite these precautions, many cases of tetrodotoxin poisoning are reported each year in patients ingesting fugu. (Medscape CDC Commentary Series, October, 2009) From 1974 through 1983 there 646 reported cases of fugu (puffer fish) poisoning in Japan, with 179 fatalities. Estimates as high as 200 cases per year with mortality approaching 50% have been reported. (Florida State University, January, 2002) Interestingly while tetrodotoxin is found in several different branches of the animal kingdom, the tetrodotoxin found in each of these creatures is identical unlike the venoms produced by snakes and scorpions which are made up of different kinds of toxins particular to that species. The evidence suggests that these animals do make the toxin themselves. (New York Times Science, December, 2009) The toxin itself appears to be made by relatively common marine bacteria, specifically Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis tetraodonis, which associates with these animals. Validating this theory when puffer fish are raised in aquariums with filtered, bacteria-free water, they are non-toxic and the same results are achieved when Japanese newts or Panamanian frogs are raised on special diets they lose their toxicity. These experiments validate the theory that these toxic animals obtain the toxin from the food chain. Several species of tetrodotoxin-producing bacteria have been found in puffer fish, the blue-ringed octopus, and certain small and other animals. It appears that the animals become toxic by sequestering the bacterially produced toxin in their tissues. (New York Times Science, December, 2009) The exact origin of tetrodotoxin in the food chain remains unclear. The only common dominator seems to be that tetrodotoxin producing animals are closely related to an aquatic system and the bacteria that commonly inhabit the aquatic system. (MDPI Marine Drugs, May 2008) The toxic dose is not clear because puffer fish have different concentrations of tetrodotoxin. A dose of 1-2 mg of purified toxin can be lethal. Reported cases from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have documented toxicity with ingestion as little as 1.4 ounces of puffer fish. (Medscape CDC Commentary Series, October, 2009) In contrast, the botulinum toxin (Clostridium botulinum) is reported to be the most toxic substance known. If evenly dispersed for inhalation, 1 gram of pure (botulinum) toxin is sufficient to kill 1 million people. (Ryan Glarum, 2008, p. 65) Tetrodotoxin is a neurotoxin. Neurotoxin is a toxin that acts specifically on nerve cells of the nervous system, typically by interacting with membrane proteins and especially ion channels. (Knowledgerush, n.d.) Tetrodotoxin binds to the sodium channel of the nerve preventing the passage of sodium ions through the cell membrane and therefore (passage) of the nerve impulse. (, 1999) Many of the venoms and other toxins that organisms use in defense against vertebrates are neurotoxins. A common effect is paralysis, which typically onsets extremely rapidly. (Knowledgerush) The first symptom of (tetrodotoxin) intoxication is a slight numbness of the lips and tongue, appearing between 20 minutes to three hours after eating poisonous puffer fish,. The next symptom is increasing paraesthesia in the face and extremities, which may be followed by sensations of lightness or floating. Headache, epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea, and/or vomiting may occur. Occasionally, some reeling or difficulty in walking may occur. The second state of the intoxication is increasing paralysis. Many victims are unable to move; even sitting may be difficult. There is increasing respiratory distress. Speech is affected, and the victim usually exhibits dyspnea, cyanosis, and hypotension. Paralysis increases and convulsions, mental impairment, and cardiac arrhythmia may occur. The victim, although completely paralyzed, may be conscious and in some cases completely lucid until shortly before death. Death usually occurs with in 4 to 6 hours, with a known range of about 20 minutes to 8 hours. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; FDA U.S. Food Drug Administration, n.d.) No specific antidote has been tested in humans. No drug has been shown to reverse the effects of tetrodotoxin poisoning. Treatment is symptomatic. Specific drug efficacy has only been documented anecdotally. (Medscape CDC Commentary Series, October 2009) Animal studies using monoclonal antibodies against TTX have been done. Monoclonal antibodies were shown to e life saving in mice treated both before and after the ingestion of a lethal dose of TTX. Further studies are needed to document the efficacy in humans. In another study using guinea pigs intoxicated with tetrodotoxin, 4-aminopyridine (a potassium channel blocker) showed dramatic improvement in respiratory, cardiac, and CNS status occurred after administration of the drug. No human studies of this drug for use in tetrodotoxin poisoning are in progress. (Medscape CDC Commentary Series, October 2009) No specific laboratory test confirms tetrodotoxin ingestion exits; thus dietary history is key for diagnosis. Tetrodotoxin poisoning can be misdiagnosed as one of many differential diagnoses including: gastroenteritis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree heart blockage, hypocalcemia, Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome, myasthenia gravis, octopus envenomations, and ciguatera, scombroid and shellfish toxicity. Since tetrodotoxin is produced from bacteria, there is a risk that the toxin could be manufactured on a significant scale by fermentation. (, 1999) Tetrodotoxin is a colorless crystalline solid that darkens when heated about 428 ° F or 220 ° C. (CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, n.d.) Relatively is little is known about tetrodotoxin as a possible toxin weapon although the Japanese did some work its weaponization in Unite 731 during World war II. It is included on the Australia Group lists by reason of its toxicity. It is not known to be made in large quantities that could be used in weapons and little or nothing is know about its inhalation toxicity. (, 1999) ( NOTE: The Australia Group (AG) is an informal forum of countries which, through the harmonization of export controls, seeks to ensure that exports do not contribute to the development of chemical or biological weapons. Coordination of national export control measures assists Australia Group participants to fulfill their obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention to the fullest extent possible.) (The Australia Group, n.d.) The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) offers insight into the various methods tetrodotoxin could be disseminated and the feasibility of each method. For example, dissemination through indoor air, outdoor air or water is extremely unlikely because the source of the toxin is living organisms and to manufacture tetrodotoxin in appreciable quantities is extremely difficult. And, since tetrodotoxin is unlikely to be disseminated in the air, it is also unlikely to be disseminated through agricultural products. Ingestion does seem the most likely source of dissemination. Exposure to tetrodotoxin usually occurs through eating improperly prepared fish or possibly through contamination of other food products. (CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, n.d.) According to NIOSH, there is no antidote for tetrodotoxin toxicity and initial treatment is primarily supportive. In 2007 two individuals developed symptoms consistent with tetrodotoxin poisoning after ingesting home-cooked puffer fish purchased in Chicago. Both the retailer and supplier claimed the product was monkfish. High levels of tetrodotoxin were detected in the remains of the ingested meal and fish retrieved from the contaminated shipment. This case of tetrodotoxin poisoning highlights the need for continued stringent regulation of puffer fish importation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, education of the public regarding the dangers of puffer fish consumption, and raising awareness among medical providers of the diagnosis and management of foodborne toxin ingestions and the need for reporting to public health agencies. (PubMed U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, 2009) Currently tetrodotoxin is manufactured by several specialized biotech companies. CHEMTE Biotech Company, LTD located in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China specializes in the manufacture of tetrodotoxin. According to CHEMTE Biotechs website, after ten years research and development, we have achieved extensive isolation and purification of TTX based on the abundant resource in our area. We founded the TTX production base in the world with annual product (sic) is more than 1000g. (CHEMTE Biotech Company, Ltd., n.d.) Through the use of their technology process CHEMTE has raised production rate and product quality of TTX up to the worlds highest level. CHEMTE boasts that their customers in many countries find their purity is higher than their own pure products. Currently in the European market, TTX from CHEMTE is sold as the standard product. (CHEMTE Biotech Company, Ltd., n.d.) The China Kantte Bio-Chemical company located in Shanghai, China produces tetrodotoxin extracted from puffer fish in large scale, and purified close to 100% by high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis. (China Kantte Bio-Chemical, n.d.) While it is possible to procure TTX for research as a potential pain therapeutic and medicine for opium withdrawal symptoms, its purchase is limited to researchers and scientistsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.just ask Edward F. Bachner IV of Lake Hills, Illinois. On August 26, 2008 a federal grand jury in Rockford, Illinois returned a ten-count indictment charging him with unlawfully acquiring and possessing tetrodotoxin, on five separate occasions between November 7, 2006 and June 30, 2008. Five of the counts allege that on five separate occasions, Bachner acquired tetrodotoxin in order to use it as a weapon. Bachner possessed tetrodotoxin in a quantity that was not reasonable justified by a prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose. If convicted of acquiring TTX to use as a weapon, Bachner could be sentenced to a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. (U.S. Department of Justice, 2008) As a fun aside, during my research I came across an interesting article about the use of tetrodotoxin and folklore surrounding creation of zombies. In eight samples of zombie powder collected from four regions of Haiti all appeared to have four ingredients in common: 1) one or more species of puffer fish which contained tetrodotoxin, 2) a toxic marine frog, 3) a hyla tree frog which secretes an irritating substance, and 4) human remains. (Strayer University, n.d.) According to some theories a person poisoned with Haitian zombie powder regains consciousness either while in the coffin or shortly after being removed from it and therefore, think they have died and are now a zombie. (How Stuff Works, n.d.) When analyzing an agent as a potential biological agent for use as a weapon of bioterrorism one must examine certain attributes as they apply to that specific agent. Some of these attributes include ease of dissemination, route of entry, morbidity, mortality, infectivity, potential for contagion, potential for panic and social disturbance, and the impact on public health and public health preparedness. The most efficient route of entry for tetrodotoxin would be ingestion either through consumption of the toxin itself or the consumption of other food products tainted with tetrodotoxin. Because ingestion is the favored route of entry, tetrodotoxin does not lend itself for use as a weapon that is easily disseminated or for use as a bioterrorism weapon. Tetrodotoxin does have some potential use as a target specific biological weapon. Bioterrorists could use tetrodotoxin for targeted victims, such as political figures, world leaders or small contingents of military forces. Even for use on targeted specific victims tetrodotoxin is not be easily disseminated. Tetrodotoxin poisoning would require the introduction of the toxin directly into a food or liquid source ingested by the target. Ingestion as a route of entry makes tetrodotoxin not easily disseminated. Morbidity rates are 100% for tetrodotoxin poisoning; rarely will ingestion of tetrodotoxin contaminated food leave the victim unscathed as evidenced by the number of fugu poisoning cases recorded in Japan each year. Tetrodotoxin with its high morbidity rate could be considered as a weapon for bioterrorism. Infectivity rates for tetrodotoxin are 100%. Another fact influencing the high morbidity rate of tetrodotoxin poisoning is the possibility it can easily be mistaken for one of many differential diagnoses. Patients presenting with tetrodotoxin poisoning could easily be misdiagnosed especially if a valid dietary history is unavailable or overlooked. Mortality rates for tetrodotoxin are difficult to establish; anecdotal reports suggest 50-60% mortality, even with good supportive care. One report suggests that prognosis is good if the patient survives the first 24 hours. (Medscape CDC Commentary Series, October 2009) The same cannot be said for biological agents like plague. In the pneumonic form plague is almost 100% fatal without immediate medical attention. (Ryan Glarum, 2008) A biological weapon with only a possible 50-60% mortality rate would probably not be perceived as an effective weapon of bioterrorism. Unlike some other biological agents that lend themselves to inhalation or person-to-person transmission, tetrodotoxin poisoning is transmitted only through ingestion of the toxin. It does not have the potential as a weapon of bioterrorism because transmission is limited to persons ingesting the toxin. Tetrodotoxin poisoning offers no potential threat for contagion in terms of an epidemic or pandemic. The bacteria are contained within the host organism. Tetrodotoxin poisoning could certainly create panic and social disturbance, especially if the targeted victims were persons of political or military importance. There could also be public panic caused by the concern as to the nature, origin and location of the toxin. To be considered as a potential weapon of bioterrorism the biological agent would need to: 1) be easily disseminated or transmitted, 2) cause high mortality, 3) severely affect the public health, 4) cause public panic and social disruption, and 5) require special action for public health preparedness. Overall, while tetrodotoxin is a lethal neurotoxin with: 1) a high level of morbidity, 2) moderate level of mortality, 3) a difficult dissemination method, 4) ingestion as the route of entry, 5) no transmission qualities, 6) no likelihood of contagion and 7) unlikely to cause panic or social disruption, in my opinion it would not be useful as a biological weapon of mass destruction. In my opinion tetrodotoxin has some modest potential as a limited bioterrorism agent in special circumstances. Tetrodotoxin does not meet all the necessary criteria to be considered as a biological agent capable of causing severe damage to the health and safety of the public.